Hope Hospice is committed to supporting patients and their loved ones with exceptional care, compassion, and dignity.
These many months of isolation and changes in response to the Covid-19 pandemic have impacted us all. Even those who feel they are coping well can probably list several major frustrations. To others who are feeling the impact more intensely, this ongoing crisis may have induced depression, increased anxiety, and other emotional, physical, and even spiritual distress.
The Hope Hospice Grief Support Department has compiled an exercise to help you process your feelings and identify some positive steps you can take to boost your mood. Listen to Director Kathleen Brand’s short video introduction, then download the worksheet to complete when you are ready.
If you have experienced the loss of a loved one during the pandemic, regardless of whether the death was related to Covid19, Hope Hospice is here for you. We offer grief support services at no cost to anyone in our East Bay/Tri-Valley service area in need. We are currently offering support via Zoom video conference or by telephone appointment so that you can get help from the safety of home. Learn more.