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General Loss Support Group

April 23 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Our deepest relationships often become reference points for our lives. Our shared history of witnessing each other’s joys and sorrows form a unique and precious bond. Grieving such a significant loss is bittersweet. We feel gratitude for their life and example and we mourn what is gone. As with any relationship, there may also be unresolved pain or conflict that needs attention. What happens when we lose someone instrumental to the way we experience life? The General Grief group will discuss these issues and more as we look at the impact of loss in our daily lives. We will process through the many difficult emotions associated with a safe and welcoming space.

This eight-week support group for adults will discuss these issues and more as we contemplate the impact of loss in our daily lives. This group is intended for anyone experiencing the loss of a parent, family member, or friend. Please note, we have other groups available specifically for spouse/partner and child loss.

Click here to complete the interest form, and our staff will get back to you with 
additional detail.

This group will meet virtually, over Zoom. Our next session is April 9 – May 28 on Wednesdays, 6–7:30 p.m. If you cannot make these dates, use the contact form, or call (925) 829-8770 to be placed on the interest list for the following quarter.


April 23
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Virtual event via Zoom


Hope Hospice
(925) 829-8770
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